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TTI Assessments & Related Tools
Management Assessment Options
Management–Staff ™ - formerly MFS Employee-Manager
Clarifies individual work styles, how these styles affect job performance and how the employee - manager
relationship affects productivity and goal achievement. Suggested for management and staff / employees.
It is also for individuals looking for personal insights.
View more Management-Staff information
Management-Staff report sample
Management Staff brochure
Work From Home – working remote
Peers, leaders and other influencers are not around to help point out when a course-correction is needed.
Time and priority management is key. The tips offered are based on the individual's assessment responses and offer insight into how he/she
might manage themselves when working virtually.
View more Working From Home information
Working From Home report sample
Soft Skills Competencies
DNA - Skills Competencies
Based on responses to the Personal Soft Skills Indicator™ questionnaire, this report indicates his/her development of 25 personal skills / competencies...
including Planning/Organizing, Analytical Problem Solving, Presenting, Negotiation, Interpersonal Skills, Persuasion, Self-Management (time and priorities),
Flexibility, Decision Making, Futuristic Thinking, Empathy, Customer Service, and more.
View more DNA competencies information
DNA - individual / talent report sample
TriMetric DNA Coaching - 3 reports in 1
Behaviors / DISC + Motivators + Integrated + DNA 25 Soft Skill competencies in one report (3 reports in 1)
This report blends Behaviors / DISC, Motivators, and Competencies. Based on responses to the Personal Soft Skills Indicator™
questionnaire of the assessment, the DNA part of the report indicates the individual's development of 25 personal skills.
View more TriMetric DNA Coaching information
TriMetric DNA Coaching - Management-Staff report general sample
TriMetric DNA Coaching - Executive report sample
TriMetric DNA Coaching - Sales report sample
TriMetric DNA brochure
Motivators – attitudes, values
12 Driving Forces - deeper & fuller spectrum (Workplace Motivators - older version)
Knowledge of these Driving Forces helps to tell us WHY a person may initiate action.
Driving Forces are sometimes called the hidden motivators because they are not always readily observed.
These Drivers play a major factor in creating engagement and job satisfaction, and, may cause conflict with other people.
People with similar drivers may expedite collaboration and communication.
View more 12 Driving Forces information
12 Driving Forces report sample
12 Driving Forces brochure
Behaviors / DISC + Motivators + Integrated – 2 reports in 1
Talent Insights Coaching
The Talent Insights Coaching report was designed to increase the understanding of an individual's talents.
The report provides insight to two distinct areas – behaviors and motivators. Understanding strengths and weaknesses
in both of these areas will lead to personal and professional development and a higher level of satisfaction.
It also integrates the two in a third section. Avoidance pages are now added to the behaviors and the motivators sections.
Behaviors Avoidance:
The absence of a behavioral factor may provide insight into areas of a current environment that can cause added stress.
Based on research, situations are identified that should be avoided or minimized in a person’s day-to-day environment.
By understanding the contribution of a low behavioral style, we are able to better articulate a person’s talents.
Motivators Avoidance:
This page will highlight areas in which a person lacks appreciation for an opposing motivator. The information will teach
the individual how to manage his/her way through discussions focusing on his/her #6 motivator.
View more Talent Insights information
Talent Insights Coaching - General report sample
Talent Insights Coaching - Executive report sample
Talent Insights Coaching - Sales report sample
Talent Insights brochure - job benchmarking
Executive – Behaviors / DISC
This enables decision makers to negotiate a communication system that produces more effective work teams.
Suggested for business owners, CEOs, managers and decision makers.
View more Executive information
Executive report sample
Executive brochure
Emotional Quotient – Emotional Intelligence
The TTI Emotional Quotient assessment measures an individual’s emotional intelligence with an online questionnaire that is immediately analyzed to
produce a report with detailed information about the individual’s Emotional Quotient score. The higher the score in the report is, the higher the level of
emotional intelligence will be.
View more TTI Emotional Quotient information
Emotional Quotient report sample
Emotional Quotient brochure
TTI Behavioral Intelligence – combination DISC + Emotional Quotient
This report combines DISC and Emotional Quotient / Emotional Intelligence in one assessment / report.
View more TTI Behavioral Intelligence information
TTI Behavioral Intelligence report sample
TriMetric EQ Coaching - 3 reports in 1
Behaviors / DISC + Motivators + Integrated + Emotional Intelligence in one report
View more TriMetric EQ information
TriMetric EQ - Management-Staff report general sample
TriMetric EQ - Executive report sample
TriMetric EQ brochure
View information about all of the online assessments / reports.
These assessments are not a measure of intelligence, values, skills, experience, education or training.
Please contact us for more information and pricing.
GROUP WHEELS – for Online Assessments
Behaviors / DISC Group Wheel information
Motivators / 12 Driving Forces Group Wheel & Bar information
COURSEWARE – facilitator material, participant workbooks, games
Role Exercise Games
Behaviors / DISC options
12 Driving Forces / Motivators / Attitudes options
Combined Behaviors / DISC + Motivators
Sales / Selling related
Emotional Quotient - Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Development Program
Additional Information
DISC - Verbal Barriers
DISC - 10 mistakes
EQ - 10 Techniques
DNA - Uncovering Training Challenges With Brain Imaging
DNA - Neuro Regulation
Sales - Top Performers Research
Technical Reports
TTI DISC / Behaviors Technical report
TTI Motivators Technical report
TTI DNA Competencies Technical report
TTI Combined Technical reports
Emotional Quotient Technical report
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Friday, January 24, 2025