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TTI Assessments & Related Tools
Communicating, Communication
Communicating With Style Assessment
Please Note: Managing For Success ® Communicating With Style is an old version of this assessment.
Success Insights® Communicating With Style is the same report with recent validation and new "look."
One's ability to interact effectively with people may be the difference between success or failure in his/her work or personal life.
Effective interaction starts with an understanding of one's individual communication style.
This assessment was designed to provide information about an individual's communication style.
Success Insights Communicating With Style report offers:
Checklist for Communicating
This section is important for enhanced interpersonal communication.
This page provides other people with a list of things to DO when communicating with the individual.
It is recommended that the most important "DO’s" are provided to those with communicate with the person most frequently.
Communicating Don'ts
This section of the report offers a list of things that should not be done while communicating with the person.
By sharing this information, the person and those he/she are communicating with can negotiate a communication system
that is mutually agreeable.
Communication Flexibility
The information in this section will help the communication types of people and provide strategies to meet their needs.
Situational Strategies
This section focuses on how to control the interaction between the individual and someone else when situations arise.
For example, when a customer is upset, the person must gain control of the situation - then read the customer's style and
apply the appropriate strategy.
Communication Action Person
The Action Plan assists the person to focus on those actions and strategies that can improve his/her communication
with specific individuals and those communication skills that need to be developed.
Success Insights Graphs
Shows person's natural style and adapted style in graph format.
Success Insights Wheel
This wheel adds a visual representation that allows person to:
– view natural behavioral style
– view adapted behavioral style
View the Communicating With Style report sample
Comparison reports
With your own online account, you can create unlimited FREE Comparison reports. Once individuals have completed this assessment,
create Comparison reports that compare two individuals - one to the other.
Comparison Report sample.
Please contact us for more information and pricing.
These assessments are not a measure of intelligence, values, skills, experience, education or training.
View information about all of the Online Assessments / Reports
GROUP WHEELS – for Online Assessments
Behaviors / DISC Group Wheel information
Motivators / 12 Driving Forces Group Wheel & Bar information
COURSEWARE – facilitator material, participant workbooks, games
Role Exercise Games
Behaviors / DISC options
12 Driving Forces / Motivators / Attitudes options
Combined Behaviors / DISC + Motivators
Sales / Selling related
Emotional Quotient - Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Development Program
Additional Information
DISC - Verbal Barriers
DISC - 10 mistakes
Technical Reports
TTI DISC / Behaviors Technical report
TTI Motivators Technical report
TTI DNA Competencies Technical report
TTI Combined Technical reports
Emotional Quotient Technical report
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Saturday, February 8, 2025
