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TTI Assessments & Related Tools
Selling, Sales Assessments
Please Note: Managing For Success ® Sales and MFS Sales Strategy Index are old versions of these assessments.
Success Insights® Sales & Sales Skills Index are the same reports with recent validation and new "look."
Sales Assessment DISC
Success Insights Sales report offers the sales professional an understanding of his/her natural sales style.
This online assessment / report offers insights on how to adapt a specific sales style to give customers what they want.
Understanding Customer Perceptions
Overextended strengths can often be perceived as weaknesses. TTI Success Insights Sales report identifies these perceptions and
provides information onhow, under certain conditions (i.e., tension, stress or fatigue), customers may see this behavior as negative.
This knowledge will help the sales professional create an image that is positive and supportive in any business situation.
Success Insights Sales Report Contents:
Sales Characteristics
This section highlights how the individual deals with preparation, presentation, handling objections, closing, and servicing.
The statements identify the natural sales style the person brings to the job.
Value to the Organization
This section identifies the specific talents and behavior the indivdual brings to the job. By looking at these statements, one can
identify his/her role in the organization. The organization can then develop a system to capitalize on his/her particular value and
make him/her an integral part of the team.
Checklist for Communicating
Most people are aware and sensitive to the ways with which they prefer to be communicated. Many find this section important
for enhanced interpersonal communication. This area provides others with a list of things to DO when communicating with this
Don'ts on Communicating
This section provides a list of things NOT to do while communicating with this person. Each statement should be reviesed with
the individual and those methods of communication that result in frustration or reduced performance should be identified.
By sharing this information, a communication system that is mutually agreeable can be negotiated.
Selling Tips
This area provides suggestions on methods which will improve the person's communications when selling to different individuals' styles.
The tips include a brief description of typical people in which he/she may interact.
Ideal Environment
This section identifies the ideal work environment based on the person's basic style.
Perceptions - self and others
A person's behavior and feelings may be quickly telegraphed to others. This section provides additional information on his/her self perception
and how, under certain conditions, others may perceive his/her behavior. Understanding this section will empower the individual to project the image
that will allow her to control the situation.
Descriptors - behavioral style
Words that describe the person's personal behavior are provided in this section. They describe how the individual solves problems and meets challenges,
influences people, responds to the pace of the environment and how he/she responds to rules and procedures set by others.
Natural and Adapted Selling Styles problems, people, pace, procedures
This section is will identify if a salesperson's natural style or adapted style is correct for the current sales environment.
Adapted Style current behavior in relation to work
This section tells how the person sees his/her present work environment requiring him/her to exhibit the listed behavior.
Keys to Motivating
This section of the report is produced by analyzing the person's wants. People are motivated by the things they want wants that
are satisfied no longer motivate.
Keys to Managing
This section provides some needs which must be met in order for the individual to perform at an optimum level. Some needs can be met by
him/her, while management must provide for others. It is difficult for a person to enter a motivational environment when that person's basic
management needs have not been fulfilled.
Areas for Improvement
This area gives a listing of possible limitations without regard to a specific job.
Action Plan
This section focuses on personal development.
Behavioral Hierarchy
The Behavioral Hierarchy graph displays a ranking of the person's natural behavioral style within a total of 8 areas commonly encountered
in the workplace. It will help understand in which of these areas the individual will naturally be most effective.
Style Insights Graphs
The graph adds a visual representation of the individual's behavioral style.
The Success Insights Wheel
The wheel adds a visual representation of the person's behavioral style.
An investment in the TTI Success Insights Sales report for your sales force can yield immediate results and valuable
benefits in several areas:
Evaluate performance of new and existing salespeople
Pick the sales person best fit for company needs
Reduce employee turnover and new training costs
Show managers how to get most out of their sales team
Coach sales team for maximum results
Boost sales
Bring a sales person out of a sales slump
Success Insights Sales report sample
Comparison reports
With your own online account, you can create unlimited FREE Comparison reports. Once individuals have completed this assessment,
create Comparison reports that compare two individuals - one to the other.
Sales - comparison report sample.
Success Insights Sales brochure
Please contact us for pricing information.
Target Selling Insights sales skill / sales process knowledge - not DISC
Target Selling Insights covers 6 different steps in the sales process.
The Target Selling Insights (TSI) report is an objective analysis of an individual's understanding of
the strategies required to sell successfully in any sales environment.
Like any profession, selling has a body of knowledge related to its successful execution.
Target Selling Insights measures this sales knowledge.
This assessment takes approximately 45 minutes to complete
It has 48 sales situations questions. Each situation offers 4 choices of action, which are to be ranked best to least best.
Identifying whether a person can or cannot sell is an essential component in predicting or
improving sales success. Sales knowledge is certainly not the only requirement for optimum sales performance.
The report shows the individual's strengths, weaknesses and how well they understood sales strategy in 6 categories.
The Target Selling Insights assessment can be used as both a before and after measurement, complementing all other sales
performance material.
View more Target Selling Insights information
Target Selling Insights report sample
Target Selling Insights Guide
Please contact us for pricing information.
Sales Skills Index older report, formerly called Sales Strategy Index
The Sales Skills Index covers 7 different steps in the sales process. The Success Insights Sales Skills Index assessment presents questions that portray
real life sales situations.
Each situation has 4 alternative ways to be handled. Respondents are given the opportunity to rank the four alternatives from best to worst.
The report shows the individual's strengths, weaknesses and how well they understood sales strategy in 7 categories.
The Sales Skills Index assessment can be used as both before and after measurement, complementing all other sales performance material.
View more Sales Skills Index information
Success Insights Sales Skills Index report sample
Success Insights Sales Skills Index brochure
Success Insights Sales Skills Index validity / manual
Please contact us for pricing information.
Behaviors / DISC + Motivators - Integrated + Avoidance pages 2 reports in 1
Talent Insights Coaching Sales
The Talent Insights Coaching report was designed to increase the understanding of an individual's talents.
This report provides insight to two distinct areas behaviors and motivators. Understanding strengths and weaknesses
in both of these areas will lead to personal and professional development and a higher level of satisfaction.
It also integrates the two in a third section. Avoidance pages are now added to the behaviors and the motivators sections.
Behaviors Avoidance:
The absence of a behavioral factor may provide insight into areas of a current environment that can cause added stress.
Based on research, situations are identified that should be avoided or minimized in a persons day-to-day environment.
By understanding the contribution of a low behavioral style, we are able to better articulate a persons talents.
Motivators Avoidance:
This page will highlight areas in which a person lacks appreciation for an opposing motivator. The information will teach
the individual how to manage his/her way through discussions focusing on his/her #6 motivator.
View more Talent Insights information
Talent Insights Coaching - Sales report sample
Behaviors / DISC + Motivators - Integrated + Avoidance pages + Soft Skill Competencies 3 reports in 1
TriMetric DNA Coaching Sales
This report blends Behaviors / DISC, Motivators, and Competencies. Based on responses to the Personal Soft Skills Indicator
questionnaire of the assessment, the DNA part of the report indicates the individual's development of 25 personal skills.
View more TriMetric DNA Coaching information
TriMetric DNA Coaching - Sales report sample
TriMetric DNA brochure
Selling With Style Sales Role Exercise Kit (G-SR)
This training and seminar resource offers three exercises that show how behaviors impact any sales situation.
The kit is designed to be printed on an as needed basis and includes the following exercises:
Group Sales
Identifying Buying Styles-Single Style
Identifying Buying Styles-Multiple Styles
View more Selling With Style Sales Role Exercise Kit information.
Please contact us for more information and pricing.
These assessments are not a measure of intelligence, values, skills, experience, education or training.
View information about all of the Online Assessments / Reports
GROUP WHEELS for Online Assessments
Behaviors / DISC Group Wheel information
Motivators / 12 Driving Forces Group Wheel & Bar information
COURSEWARE facilitator material, participant workbooks, games
Role Exercise Games
Behaviors / DISC options
12 Driving Forces / Motivators / Attitudes options
Combined Behaviors / DISC + Motivators
Sales / Selling related
Emotional Quotient - Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Development Program
Additional Information
Sales - Top Performers Research
DISC - Verbal Barriers
DISC - 10 mistakes
Technical Reports
TTI DISC / Behaviors Technical report
TTI Motivators Technical report
TTI DNA Competencies Technical report
TTI Combined Technical reports
Emotional Quotient Technical report
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Saturday, February 8, 2025
