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                                  Pre-employment Selection & Assessment Systems

Pre-employment  Assessments - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives - can do Hourly, Sales, Managers, Professionals, Executives - pre-employment selection, OutMatch Pre-employment  Assessment System, OutMatch Assessment Platform, hiring selection, formerly Assess for Managers, Professionals, Executives


– Available only to USA and Canada –

Cognitive Abilites Tests - Optional

The OutMatch Assessment platform allows for job profiles to be configured with or without additional job-relevant assessments, referred to as Optional Measures.

The Optional Abilites / Measures available will vary depending on the job profile selected. Each time you create a job profile, you will need to decide if it makes sense to add an Optional Measure to the experience.

It is necessary to consider the added value the assessments will provide, while balancing the length and depth of assessment appropriate given the context.

– Number Patterns –

Solve mathematical patterns and sequences including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division based on minimal information from number sequences and number patterns.
Appropriate for: Hourly / Frontline roles, requiring numerical ability.

– Logical Reasoning –

Measure of an individual’s ability to solve complex problems with limited and missing information. Logical assumptions and consequences, including inference, deduction, and general problem solving based on available (sometimes limited) information.
Appropriate for: higher-level Hourly / Front-line roles and Professional level and up roles, requiring logical reasoning capability, including inference, deduction, and general problem solving based on available (sometimes limited) information.
- See screen shot below -

– Numerical Reasoning –

Measure of an individual’s ability to solve mathematical problems. Basic math, ratios, charts, and graphs: including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, % calculations, and inferring information from multiple pieces of financial and operational data.
Appropriate for: higher-level Hourly / Front-line roles and Professional level and up roles, requiring numerical ability, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, % calculations, and inferring information from multiple pieces of financial and operational data.
- See screen shot below -

– Reading Comprehension –

Measure of an individual’s ability to draw conclusions from written information. Simple and complex reading passages; reading for understanding, and, drawing conclusions based on written information.
Appropriate for: higher-level Hourly / Front-line roles and Professional level and up roles, requiring reading comprehension capability, including reading for understanding and drawing conclusions based on written information.
- See screen shot below -

– Abstract Reasoning –

Measure of an individual’s ability to solve problems involving abstract concepts. Puzzle-based problem solving; solving skills and the ability to work through moderately to highly complex situations without concrete information.
Appropriate for: higher-level Hourly / Front-line roles and Professional level and up roles, requiring problem solving skills and the ability to work through moderately to highly complex situations without concrete information.
- See screen shot below -

– Sales Knowledge –

Measure of an individual’s ability to respond effectively to typical sales scenarios. Requires an understanding of the key steps in the sales process, including prospecting / pre-qualifying, first meeting / first impression, probing / presenting, overcoming objections, influencing / convincing, and closing.
Appropriate for: Sales Professional roles, requiring an understanding of the key steps in the sales process.

– Retail Profit & Loss Numerical Reasoning –

Measure of an individual’s ability to understand a Profit and Loss Statement. Requiring numerical computation & reasoning ability, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, % calculations, and projections based on previous trends.
Appropriate for: higher-level Hourly / Front-line roles and Professional level and up roles, particularly in the retail industry, on which the P&L charts are based.

– Restaurant Profit & Loss Numerical Reasoning –

Measure of an individual’s ability to understand a Restaurant Profit and Loss Statement. Requiring numerical computation & reasoning ability, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, % calculations, and projections based on previous trends.
Appropriate for: higher-level Hourly / Front-line roles and Professional level and up roles, particularly in the restaurant industry, on which the P&L charts are based.

– Hotel Profit & Loss Numerical Reasoning –

Measure of an individual’s ability to understand a Profit and Loss Statement. Requiring numerical computation & reasoning ability, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, % calculations, and projections based on previous trends.
Appropriate for: higher-level Hourly / Front-line roles and Professional level and up roles, particularly in the hotel industry, on which the P&L charts are based.

Sample Selection Reports with Abilities
      — Accountant + Number Reasoning - Selection report
Management & Executives:
      — Bank Branch Manager + Number Reasoning - Selection report

Optional Abilities testing - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System

Available Job Roles Listings - Professional Roles:
|   A  |   B  |   C  |   D  |   E  |   F  |   G  |   H  |   I  |   J  |   K  |   L  |   M  |   N  |   O  |   P  |   R  |   S  |   T  |   U  |   V  |   W  |   Z  |   ALL  |

Available Job Roles Listings - Management -and- Executive Roles:
|   A  |   C  |   D  |   E  |   F  |   G  |   H  |   I  |   L  |   M  |   N  |   O  |   P  |   Q  |   R  |   S  |   T  |   V  |   ALL  |

View ALL LEVELS - Full Listing with descriptions (.pdf)

View OutMatch Assessment Platform brochure
View Optional Abilities Testing

More OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives:

      Report options
      Selection assessment
      Development report
      Abilities Testing - Optional
      Compare report
      Succeed report
      Analytic reports
      Language options
      ATS Integration & Partners
      OutMatch Purchase Options
      Representative Clients

      OutMatch - Hourly, Frontline, Temporary, Seasonal hiring assessments
      OutMatch - Sales Professionals
      OutMatch - Managers, Professionals, Executives

Return to OutMatch Assessment Platform main page.

selection, development, pre-employment selection, development report

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Pre-employment  Assessments - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives - can do Hourly, Sales, Managers, Professionals, Executives - pre-employment selection, OutMatch Pre-employment  Assessment System, OutMatch Assessment Platform, hiring selection, formerly Assess for Managers, Professionals, Executives                              

Introduction - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, outmatch for managers, professionals, executives, OutMatch pre-employment assessment, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch developmental assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch developmental assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch developmental assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, formerly Assess System Report options - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System Selection assessment - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System Development assessment - Assess for Managers, Professionals & Executives - Assess pre-employment selection assessment, Assess assessment, OutMatch Assess pre-employment tests, pre employment testing system Optional Abilities testing - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System  Compare report - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System Succeed report - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System Features Benefits - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System Analytic reports - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System Purchase Options - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System, outmatch OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System, outmatch For more Outmatch information, pricing, sample reports - OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch Assessment system - introduction - OutMatch for hourly, temporary, entry level, sales professionals, managers, professionals, executives, Outmatch pre employment system, outmatch
Introduction - OutMatch for hourly, temporary, entry level,Outmatch pre employment system, outmatch, OutMatch Assessment system - formerly Select system Introduction - OutMatch for sales professionals, sales managers, account executives,Outmatch pre employment system, outmatch, OutMatch Assessment system, formerly SalesMax OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System OutMatch for Managers, Professionals, Executives, OutMatch pre-employment selection assessment, OutMatch pre-employment testing system, OutMatch assessment system, formerly Assess System
OutMatch Assessment Platform formerly Assess pre-employment selection assessment, Assess developmental assessment, OutMatch Assess pre-employment testing system, pre employment testing system, development report, development assessment

Selection and Assessment Options

If you do not see not exactly what you want, please place a request or inquiry
regarding your needs by using the request information form.


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