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TTI Assessments & Related Tools
The Universal Language DISC ® Reference Manual - 372 pages -
This Universal Language DISC Reference Manual is a complete reference manual pertaining to the DISC language.
This e-book contains useful information on behavioral styles.
It provides an in-depth understanding of DISC and helps individuals further understand and apply DISC in the workplace or personal situations.
This DISC manual is easy to read. It contains brief bullets, visual, fun stories, and examples. The facts are presented logically, and solid data
supports the conclusions.
DISC is the universal language of observable human behavior. DISC is a silent, neutral language that extends only to observable behavior.
A persons behavior is a necessary part of who they are.
By learning the DISC characteristics, individuals can improve communication and increase their understanding of others.
There is no right or wrong to DISC.
For easy learning and quick reference at your fingertips this DISC reference manual will help you achieve maximum results.
This manual consists of an introduction, 11 chapters, and 6 appendices.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - 372 pages -
Chapter 1: What is DISC?
This chapter provides solid, logical reasons for the necessity of learning the language, and assists in the
understanding of why behavior may need to be modified.
What is in it for Me?
Benefits of Learning the Language
Elements that Impact your Endorsement
Steps to Greater Endorsement
Prerequisites to Learning the Language
Motivation Principles
Chapter 2: The Value of Learning the DISC Language
Chapter 2 provides solid, logical reasons for the necessity of learning the language, and assists in the
understanding of why behavior may need to be modified.
What is in it for Me?
Benefits of Learning the Language
Elements that Impact your Endorsement
Steps to Greater Endorsement
Prerequisites to Learning the Language
Motivation Principles
Chapter 3: History of the Language
This chapter provides a partial history, establishes validity, and, lists contributors to the development of
the DISC language up to the present.
Chapter 4: Defining & Learning the Language
Chapter 4 recognizes the observable characteristics of the four pure behavioral styles, High D,
I, S, and C, providing the solid foundation for proper and effective usage of the language.
Pure Behavioral Styles
Research Proof
The High D
The High I
The High S
The High C
Chapter 5: Reading the Language
This chapter provides you with information and instructions to become proficient in graph reading
using the Style Analysis Instrument.
The Style Analysis Instrument
The Blank Factor
Understanding Graph I
Understanding Graph II
The Energy Line
Graph Reading
5-Step Plan
Reference Sheets
Core Behavioral Tendencies
Style Combinations
Emotions of Four Factors - DISC
Unusual Graphs
Examples of Graph Readings
Chapter 6: Blending the Language
This chapter's objective is to more from basic to more advanced knowledge and application of DISC behaviors by examining
blending of the different styles therefore enhancing communication and team performance.
Blending the Language: Style Combinations
High D blending
High I blending
High S blending
High C blending
Objectives Revisited
Chapter 7: Workplace Behaviors & Benchmarking
Chapter objective is to use the Workplace Behaviors assessment to explore the behavioral demands of a job, providing the
employee and manager with valuable information used to meet those demands.
Uses: Job Matching, Coaching, Development
Master Job Graph
Using the Report
Objectives Revisited
Chapter 8: Selling with Style
The objective of this chapter is to teach you how to "blend" your sales style with your customer's buying style for easier sales.
Recognizing Behavioral Styles
Buying Style Characteristics
C Style
S Style
I Style
D Style
Blend Your Sales Style
How to Build a Winning Sales Presentation
Objectives Revisited
Chapter 9: Articles & Case Studies
This chapter presents evidence that TTI's assessments provide solutions for organizational people problems.
Research validates the broad application of using assessment to provide solutions for people problems.
Chapter 10: Questions & Answers
Provides answers to the most common questions.
Chapter 11: Validity
This chapter includes:
Information from the Experts
Adverse Impact
Objectives Revisited
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