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These "Management Files" are mainly for Middle & Senior Management and Business Owners. The various topics are meant to remind and to stimulate management thought.

Please note: Our firm does not carry-out or furnish research in these areas. This area of our web site is available only as a public service to foster thought and better management in today's fast-paced environment when the human factor of business is often taken for granted and/or even overlooked.

We are not a source of facts.



Management Styles
Supervisory Approach
Management - Miscellaneous
Communication - Non-verbal
Creative Process
Staff Motivation
Problem Employees
Personal Crisis -Indicators
Work Related Values &
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Marketing Assessment
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                                Prospecting Review  |   Rating Prospects  |   Prospecting Methods

Prospecting:  Determining Prospecting Ratios

  —   Prospecting is the first step to expanding the existing client base and/or
         developing new relationships with the potential of becoming a client.
         Or, identifying and developing referral sources.
  —   Determine the number of prospects needed to meet your monetary goal.
  —   Factors to consider in developing a prospect ratio:
            - Determine monetary objective for new business.
              Amount to be achieved over the next months/year -- time period.
            - Determine new clients or expanded business from current -
              needed to achieve new business objective.
  —   Formula:
              Average Value of Customer = Total monetary value of all clients
              ÷ Total number of present clients = X
              then take Goal for New Business ÷ X
  —   Determine the number of new prospects to approach to gain a meeting.
         From experience, determine approximately how many prospects must be seen
         to produce one new customer.
  —   By going through this process it brings efficiency and effectiveness to the sales /
         business development effort.
  —   The number of prospects must far exceed the number of calls and meetings to be
         made - "hit" ratio of number of prospects to be ontacted to make a sale.
  —   Regardless of the factors the influence the prospect ratio. You should strive to track
         the number of calls made to the number of sales made - your "betting" average.

Prospecting Review

  —   Can you answer the following questions?
         If not you lack the necessary focus and goals.
  1. Target market(s)
                - Which industries, professions or individuals are you targeting?
                - Are any potential markets being avoided?
                - What geographical areas are targeted?
  2. Products
                - Which products and/or services are you emphasizing?
                - Which products and/or services that you are emphasizing low
                  margins or other problems (e.g. servicing)?
  3. Competition
                - Are you particularly vulnerable to any competitors?
                - Are any competitors vulnerable to your competition?
  4. Strategic Objective
                - Is your business or organiation more interested in market share / volume
                  profitablilty of its products and/or accounts?

Rating Prospects - Considerations

  —   Prospects' eligibility for credit / non-credit business.
  —   Ability to purchase
  —   Identify decision maker(s)
  —   Know needs
  —   Your expertise / knowledge of this industry
  —   Your knowledge of product / services utilized in this industry
  —   Third party introduction is available
  —   You / your business's reputation in the industry
  —   Your competitive standing
  —   Prospects' profitability assessment
  —   Time investment for getting business -- days / months / years
  —   Needs not currently fulfilled by customers current "suppliers"
  —   Total monetary value if relationship were won

Prospecting Methods

  —   Cold Calling and Cold Canvasing
  —   Warm Calls - lead from someone else
  —   Appointments
  —   Active Networking
  —   Existing Clients
  —   Internal Prospecting
            - Building an internal referral network can be very effective in helping
               reach sales targets.
            - Call on the staff, in other departments or divisions as if they were
               prospects or centers of influence / referrals.
            - They may be able, directly or indirectly, to bring new business
               opportunities to you.
            - Hold information meeting, luncheons, coffee breaks, etc.. with your
               internal sources.
            - Ask for referrals. Do NOT assume that they know you want referrals or
               what the characteristics are for a qualified prospect or opportunity.
  —   Look for opportunities in news artlcles.
            - Local, national and international newspapers
            - Local, national and international newspapers
            - Trade magazines and newspapers
            - National and international periodicals
  —   Meet with your competition to determine those speciality areas in which you do not
         compete. Unbundle services and teaming opportunities.

    For more information Contact Us.

    Return to About Us main page.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Selection and Assessment systems

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