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These "Management Files" are mainly for Middle & Senior Management and Business Owners. The various topics are meant to remind and to stimulate management thought.

Please note: Our firm does not carry-out or furnish research in these areas. This area of our web site is available only as a public service to foster thought and better management in today's fast-paced environment when the human factor of business is often taken for granted and/or even overlooked.

We are not a source of facts.



Management Styles
Supervisory Approach
Management - Miscellaneous
Communication - Non-verbal
Creative Process
Staff Motivation
Problem Employees
Personal Crisis -Indicators
Work Related Values &
Work Environment

Marketing Assessment
Customer Service

Management Files - main mage


  —   In each problem situation, examine yourself as well as the employee(s).
            - Often employees give their managers a difficult time - they seek out the
              manager's weaknesses and try to exploit them.
            - They may do so for personal amusement or for the attention / entertainment
              of their co-workers
            - Examine your weaknesses - ask those you trust to help discover them.
              You may find the key that allows your staff / employees to exploit
              a vulnerable point.
            - A minor change / adjustment may help solve a major problem.
  —   If an employee is always late or projects are never ready by deadline - request
        a private conference.
            - Explain your concern, but also inquire to the reasons...
            - Are there problems that you are unaware of etc...
            - Determine attitudes that influence the situation
            - Ask the individual to determine a plan that he/she will follow to correct
              the problem; and set up a time to meet again to review the progress.
              If the individual establishes the plan, it will usually be tougher
              and more likely to be followed.
                    Remember: Replacing an employee is costly in terms of time,
                    investment and training. A small investment of time now may
                    result in a new and "improved" employee.
            - Document your meetings and findings in the event that the situation does
              not improve and you ultimately need to terminate the person.
  —   Remember when you allow comments / complaints to be made and passed for
        truth without verification, you will likely lose the respect and loyalty of
        your staff.
  —   Before taking employee complaints and/or comments as truth without verification.
        ALWAYS get both sides (and more) of all "stories."
  —   Often an innocent employee is penalized due to the under-handed activities of the
        complaining employee. The tenure of the employee(s) should not be taken
        in account when determining the truth. Long-termemployees can be just as
        guilty of this as new employees. Often an older employee has gotten away
        with this in the past and continues to sabotage co-workers because of
        their tenure... and the fact that they have gotten away with in the past.
  —   Before the problem spreads (staff taking etc.) bring the involved parties together,
        face-to-face, and arbitrate the problem. Have them stay in the room until
        they talk it out and jointly agree on a method(s) to resolve the problem.
            - Set a follow-up meeting(s) to make sure that the parties are abiding
              to their agreement.
            - A little time investment early can prevent a situation in which this
              "festering" could spread throughout and influence your entire
  —   Try to determine causes, and in turn, work out a reasonable solution(s).

                                Top of Page

    For more information Contact Us.

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