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Management Files          

These "Management Files" are mainly for Middle & Senior Management and Business Owners.
The various topics are meant to remind and to stimulate management thought.

Please note: Our firm does not carry-out or furnish research in these areas. This area of our web site is available only as a public service to foster thought and better management in today's fast-paced environment when the human factor of business is often taken for granted and/or even overlooked.

We are not a source of facts.



Management Styles
Supervisory Approach
Management - Misc.
Communication - Non-verbal
Creative Process
Staff Motivation
Problem Employees
Personal Crisis -Indicators
Work Related Values &
Work Environment

Marketing Assessment
Customer Service

Management Files - main mage


        Listening  |   Coping With The Non-Listener  |   Behavioral Exercise / Review


    —   When stressed relax throat, voice & body. Then deep breaths by inhaling
           slowly through your nose. Hold your breath.
           Then exhale slowly through mouth.
    —   Listen to voices. Note tempo, volume and pitch.
    —   Listen for variations throughout a conversation.
    —   Avoid using meaningless words or expressions which are often added
           to the beginning, middle or end of sentences.
           Often they just fill spaces.
           e.g. "you know," "right?," "like..."
    —   Avoid phrases that diminish an individual's "verbal image."
           e.g., "You know what I mean," "I guess," "but...,"
           "you probably won't believe this," "sort of"
           These words/phrases are ambiguous or lack in convection/strength.
    —   Beware of phrases and abrasive words that shut down the line of communication:
           "You don't understand," "what are you trying to say" "you're wrong"


    —   Ineffective listening can have some powerful results, both personal &
    —   Reasons:
            - Important information can be missed / lost
            - Can result in frustration, embarrassment and confusion
            - Can intensify crisis and conflicts
            - Can result in lost business time and revenue
            - Can result in an inability to interpret and implement
    —   When people speak - do not translate what is said into what you wish were said.
    —   Try to:
            - Concentrate on the precise words spoken or obvious
              clues will be missed.
            - Do not disregard clues --those non-verbal
              communications that are the most honest messages.
            - Look for "mystery clues" --those non-verbals that contradict the
              verbal message.
    —   Non-verbal clues will usually be the accurate "reading."

    ** Also see Non-Verbal Communication and Cultural Diversity.

Coping With The Non-Listener

    —   Remember, effective listening does not come naturally to many.
    —   Improve the situation by clarifying in your is mind what you want to convey.
    —   If your ideas are crystallized, the listener likely to be more receptive.
    —   When you set up a meeting, give an idea of what you want to discuss.
    —   The listener should then be ready to listen.
    —   Keep the conversation concise and to the point.
    —   Carefully pick a time during the day when the person less distractions & more
           likely to listen.

Behavioral Exercise / Review

    —   During conversations track the amount of time you:
            - Listen - phone conversations may be the easiest.
            - Question - put the actual times into percentages.
            - Speak.
    —   Note the type of conversation.
    —   Look for patterns and potential reasons.
    — Would shifting the percentages for each create any improvements? What?

    For more information Contact Us.

    Return to About Us main page.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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