Management Styles
Supervisory Approach
Management - Miscellaneous
Communication - Non-verbal
Creative Process
Staff Motivation
Problem Employees
Personal Crisis -Indicators
Work Related Values &
Work Environment
Marketing Assessment
Customer Service
Management Files - main mage
Indicators of Potential or Existing Problems
— Indicators can include:
- Increasing pessimism, depression or withdrawal
- Fatigue and sluggishness
- Poor work performance, increased absenteeism or late arrivals
- Personalty changes, emotional violability or irrational or irrational mood swings
- Frequent complaints, inflexible or rigid behavior
- Unsociability
- Evidence of drinking or drug abuse
— When you suspect something is wrong, a direct approach is probably the best.
— Talk with the person one-on-one in total privacy.
— If you are off-base, at least, you have clearedthe air and established that you
view there to be a problem.
— This must be held in TOTAL CONFIDENCE.
- Be compassionate, but business-like and firm.
- Point out the good qualities of his / her work.
- Explain his/ her importance to the organization, but add that lately you have
noticed that something may wrong.
- Establish that you would like to help, but that you need to understand the
- Express concern but only if you genuinely feel that way. False / fake concern
will be seen for what it is... and have an adverse effect.
- Listen attentively.
- Suggest employee assistance program when company offers it, if not, city /
county programs.
— While you may not have the time or skills to solve the problem(s) - showing
concern andworking together to identify the next stepsto be taken, you will
be contributing to your employees' well being.
— Document the meetings and steps agreed upon to be taken to correct the problem(s).
Not all problems can be solved and often the employee may have to be terminated.