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Management Files          

These "Management Files" are mainly for Middle & Senior Management and Business Owners.
The various topics are meant to remind and to stimulate management thought.

Please note: Our firm does not carry-out or furnish research in these areas. This area of our web site is available only as a public service to foster thought and better management in today's fast-paced environment when the human factor of business is often taken for granted and/or even overlooked.

We are not a source of facts.



Management Styles
Supervisory Approach
Management - Miscellaneous
Communication - Non-verbal
Creative Process
Staff Motivation
Problem Employees
Personal Crisis -Indicators
Work Related Values &
Work Environment

Marketing Assessment
Customer Service

Management Files - main mage


                                Incentive Programs  |   Managing By Intimidation
                                Reasons Jobs Do Not Get Completed  |   Delegate

    —   Many managers believe that employees only work for money or tangible reward.
    —   Studies have shown that when asked, employees rarely list money at the top.
    —   They mentioned recognition, involvement in decision making -- interpersonal
    —   Doubt this? Then create a no-name, short survey and ask all your employees.

Incentive Programs

    —   People perform better when their efforts are rewarded.
           There are many non-financial rewards.
             Such as:
            - public praise
            - opportunity to expand their job responsibility
            - extra days off
            - something monetary - e.g., savings bond
    —   Employee recognition and treatment is just as important as money.
    —   Companies have discovered relatively inexpensive ways to reward employees.
    —   More examples:
            - Fines to late employees are distributed to those who arrive on time
            - Management/ white collar staff spend 1 to 2 days a year working on the
              "line" or "floor"
            - Free lunch on employee birthdays
    —   If you have run out of new ideas - go to the source - ask your employees.
    —   No one knows better than the employees, as to what will incent, reward,
           or motivate them.
    —   Change the incentive / motivation rewards often or they become "old" and
           lose the original value and importance.
    —   Employees work harder and more effectively in a humanized environment.
           This is one that treats employees as individuals.
            - Open communication between employees and management.
              Remember: "Actions speak louder than words."
            - Opportunities for advancement whenever possible.
            - Basic courtesies are standard for all levels and between all levels.
            - Pleasant and healthy work conditions.
            - Comparable salaries and benefits to other companies.
    —   Healthy motivation appeals to and captures the interests, needs, desires and
           creativity the staff.

Managing By Intimidation

    —   Includes such actions as causing an employee to "lose face" in front of
    —   Creating guilt only undermines motivation and eliminates staff loyalty and
    —   Fear can definitely get some people to do what they are suppose to do.
            - But for most employees a fear strategy is unproductive over the long term.
            - Usually over time it will lead to lower morale which can adversely
              effect productivity.
    —   Does you firm reward people for getting things correct? Or, does it only "punish"
           for being wrong; not doing things correctly?
    —   "Punishment" may correct situations and improve performance for the short-term ---
           but this effect will disintegrate over the long-term.
    —   Work for the solution to a problem - rather than becoming obsessed with who
           caused a problem.
            - If you find you dwell on who caused the problem, you are working backwards.
            - By looking for a solution(s) You will be moving forwards.
            - Employees who are not conditioned to place blame are quicker to "jump in"and
              get the solution corrected.
            - When correcting a problem, look for ways to prevent the situation from
              occurring again. Otherwise you will spend the bulk of your time
              putting out "fires" ...only to have them "pop up" again later.
              When possible fix a problem ONCE.
            - Some minutes invested now may save many, many hours over the longer term.
    —   Use "carrot" vs. "stick" to motivate.

Reasons Jobs Do Not Get Completed

    —   Spell out assignments clearly. Employees often get incomplete information or
           conflicting messages about what they are to accomplish.
    —   When assigning work tasks:
            - Give as many details as possible.
            - Allow person time to take notes -or- give notes/outline that they can fill
              in with their own notes.
            - Employees are often too embarrassed to ask questions because they fear
              they might appear incompetent.
            - Create an atmosphere that fosters employee questions.
            - Give the option to ask further questions if problems arise.
            - Do not assume that you explained everything thoroughly.


    —   Do not just issue an assignment -- take a risk and make the assigned person(s)
           take full responsibility for the successful execution of the assignment.
    —   Remember:
            - There is more than one way to accomplish a task.
            - Individual(s) may not go about it the way you would.
              That does not make it wrong. There may be a better way.
            - An effective organization is built of employees who want to do their
              assignment - and take on moreresponsibility.

                                Staff Motivation  |   Incentive Programs
                                Managing By Intimidation  |   Reasons Jobs Do Not Get Completed

    For more information Contact Us.

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