....Believes a majority of individuals succeed in business by 'who they know.'
....Has had problems getting to work on time in previous jobs.
....Has stolen small items in previous jobs.
....Has had four or more jobs in the last two years.
....Believes a majority of individuals succeed in business by cheating.
....Has been difficult to supervise in previous jobs.
....Experiments with drugs.
....Has had problems with absences in previous jobs.
....Believes many work place safety rules exist merely to satisfy government regulations.
....Has taken physical risks in previous jobs.
....Gave up some safety considerations in order to work faster in previous jobs.
....Takes unnecessary safety risks.
....Took safety risks at work in previous jobs.
....Was careless in the workplace in previous jobs.
....Has been cautioned about safety violations in previous jobs.
....Has violated safety rules at work in previous jobs.
....Is a risk taker.
....Has been involved in careless workplace conduct in the last two years.
....Finds it difficult to get along with most people.
....Is not a very courteous person.
....Is usually too busy to be courteous to customers.
Supervisory Attitudes | Below Average |
Work Attitudes | Below Average |
Workplace Drug Use Attitudes | High Risk |
(see Drug Self-Assessment) | |
Workplace Theft Attitudes | High Risk |
(see Theft Self-Assessment) | |
Prospects for Long-Term Employment | Below Average |
Customer Service | Below Average |
Safety & Risk Avoidance | Counsel Level Three |
Response | Question |
Totally Agree | 14. Most employees get high on the job at one time or another. |
Totally Agree | 27. An organization has no right to inquire about an employee's use of social drugs, as long as it doesn't affect his/her job. |
Follow-up: | |
Do you believe that an employee's conduct outside his job reflects on his employer? | |
Totally Agree | 30. Some people work as well slightly high as they do sober. |
Follow-up: | |
How do you feel about drug use in the workplace? | |
Follow-up: | |
Do you feel that a person's job performance can suffer as a result of drug use? | |
Follow-up: | |
Do you wish to work in a drug free environment? | |
Follow-up: | |
Is it reasonable for your co-workers to expect to work in a drug-free environment? | |
Totally Agree | 35. I experiment with drugs, but it never affects my job. |
Totally Agree | 41. Smoking a marijuana cigarette is the same as having a drink. |
Totally Agree | 49. These days almost everyone experiments with marijuana. |
Totally Agree | 23. An employee should criticize his/her company when he/she believes it to be wrong. |
Totally Agree | 1. Jack is a supervisor in charge of several hundred people. His boss orders him to fire one of his employees whose work has been less than satisfactory. However, Jack believes that the employee merely has personal problems that soon will be worked out. Instead of firing the employee, Jack transfers him to a position where he cannot be detected by his boss. The employee does get his problems worked out and now does a good job. Jack's conduct was acceptable considering the circumstances. |
Totally Agree | 2. Management should never admit mistakes to their employees. |
Totally Agree | 3. A majority of individuals succeed in business by 'who they know'. |
Totally Agree | 31. Cheating is the way a majority of individuals succeed in business. |
Totally Agree | 34. In previous jobs I have been difficult to supervise, but that is behind me now. |
Totally Agree | 36. Special privileges should be given to supervisory personnel because they have worked the hardest to attain their position. |
Follow-up: | |
Do you believe that rank has its privileges? | |
Totally Agree | 43. I consider myself a difficult person to supervise. |
Totally Agree | 45. Many employees could do a better job than their supervisors. |
Follow-up: | |
Do you believe that most supervisors deserve their jobs? | |
Totally Agree | 6. If a person is caught stealing from a company, in some instances he/she should be given another chance. |
Follow-up: | |
Aren't you just asking for trouble? | |
Totally Agree | 20. In previous jobs I've stolen small items, but I will never do it again. |
Totally Agree | 32. In some instances an employee who steals small items should be overlooked if he/she otherwise does an outstanding job. |
Follow-up: | |
In what instances should theft be overlooked? | |
Totally Agree | 51. Low pay sometimes causes honest employees to steal. |
Follow-up: | |
Is it sometimes an employer's fault when an employee steals? | |
Totally Agree | 5. In previous jobs I've had problems getting to work on time, but that's behind me now. |
Totally Agree | 13. Long hours at work cause problems with my family. |
Totally Agree | 22. I have had four or more jobs in the last two years. |
Totally Agree | 50. In other jobs I've had problems with absences, but that is behind me now. |
Totally Agree | 70. Most good salespersons are sometimes rude when they discover a customer probably won't purchase anything. |
Totally Agree | 71. Lisa spends 15 minutes with a customer but fails to make a sale. Her time was wasted. |
Totally Agree | 72. The days of 'the customer is always right' are over. |
Totally Agree | 73. I am not a very courteous person, but I have my reasons. |
Totally Agree | 74. Most salespersons are too busy to be polite and courteous. |
Totally Agree | 79. I'm usually too busy to be courteous to customers. |
Totally Agree | 68. It is difficult to get along with most people. |
Totally Agree | 75. In previous jobs I have had difficulty communicating with my supervisors. |
Totally Agree | 76. I have difficulty communicating with others. |
Totally Agree | 56. I believe many work place safety rules exist merely to satisfy government regulations. |
Totally Agree | 57. In previous jobs I have taken physical risks, as long as it did not endanger anyone else. |
Totally Agree | 58. In previous jobs I gave up some safety considerations in order to work faster. |
Totally Agree | 59. In previous jobs I have sometimes ignored workplace safety rules in order to complete a project on time. |
Totally Agree | 60. In previous jobs I took safety risks at work, but I usually knew what I was doing. |
Totally Agree | 61. I've been involved in unsafe workplace incidents, but it was only carelessness. |
Totally Agree | 62. In previous jobs I've been cautioned about safety violations. |
Totally Agree | 63. In previous jobs I have violated safety rules at work, but I always had a good reason. |
Totally Agree | 64. In previous jobs I have violated safety rules at work, but no one was ever hurt. |
Totally Agree | 65. In previous jobs I have been forced to take safety risks to meet my deadlines. |
Totally Agree | 66. While at work I can best be described as a risk taker. |
Totally Agree | 67. I have been involved in careless workplace conduct in the last two years. |